讀經分享約翰福音十章7-11節 ( John 10 : 7-11)

7 所以耶穌又對他們說:我實實在在的告訴你們,我就是羊的門。
8 凡在我以先來的,都是賊,是強盜,羊卻不聽他們。
9 我就是門,凡從我進來的,必然得救,並且出入得草吃。
10 盜賊來,無非要偷竊,殺害,毀壞;我來了,是要叫羊(或作:人)得生命,並且得的更豐盛。
11 我是好牧人,好牧人為羊捨命。
耶穌說: 我就是羊的門。祂是羊圈的門,那是使羊得以有好生活,好生命的根源。怎麼說呢?羊在圈裡的時候,被柵欄限制著,當牧人打開門,領羊群走出羊圈,羊群就經歷在青草地、溪水旁的生活,那是美好的生活與生命。
John 10:7-11
Jesus is the good shepherd.  He added that he is the gate and those who enter through Him will be safe and protected.  We are all lost sheep and we wander and go our own way.  In the end we suffer from our waywardness.  Jesus leads us back to His place so that we are free from danger and can be well provided.
The mission of Christ is to save us.  He came to save, to sacrifice and to die for us.  Good shepherd should let go of our desire and comfort, and serve to benefit others.  Jesus set an example of true ministry.  To serve is to sacrifice and let go of our gain and pleasure.  Benefit others is what ministry is all about.