讀經分享哈巴谷書二章1-3節( Habakkuk 2:1-3)

1 我要站在守望所,立在望樓上觀看,看耶和華對我說甚麼話,我可用甚麼話向他訴冤。〔向他訴冤或作回答所疑問的〕
2 他對我說:將這默示明明的寫在版上,使讀的人容易讀。〔或作隨跑隨讀〕
3 因為這默示有一定的日期,快要應驗,並不虛謊,雖然遲延,還要等候,因為必然臨到,不再遲延。
Habakkuk 2:1-3
When I was puzzled and disturbed by the covid situation, I pleaded to the Lord and waited upon an answer.  The Lord answered us the way He answered the prophets many many years ago.  Habakkuk stood at the tower, a different perspective to wait in the Lord.  God answered him through revelation and promise.
The Lord has His time of rescue.  In His time, He will save and rescue.  We need to wait with trust, though we may be in fear or worry.  Let’s be comforted that our God reigns in this time of uncertainty.  He is God and He always is.