讀經分享路加福音十三章10-17 節 ( Luke 13 : 10-17 )

10 安息日,耶穌在會堂裡教訓人。
11 有一個女人,被鬼附著病了十八年,腰彎得一點直不起來。
12 耶穌看見,便叫過他來,對他說:女人,你脫離這病了!
13 於是用兩隻手按著他,他立刻直起腰來,就歸榮耀與神。
14 管會堂的,因為耶穌在安息日治病,就氣忿忿的對眾人說:有六日應當作工,那六日之內,可以來求醫,在安息日卻不可。
15 主說:假冒為善的人哪,難道你們各人在安息日不解開槽上的牛驢,牽去飲嗎?
16 況且這女人本是亞伯拉罕的後裔,被撒但捆綁了這十八年,不當在安息日解開他的綁嗎?
17 耶穌說這話,他的敵人都慚愧了,眾人因他所行一切榮耀的事,就都歡喜了。
Luke 13:10-17
The healing of the crippled woman who had been possessed by a spirit looks like one of the miracles of Jesus only.  Yet it has spiritual lessons for us.  Jesus healed her in a sabbath day setting her free in spirit and body.  
Likewise the gospel is a liberation for us both in our spirit, our mind and our body.  To be healed is the turning point of this woman who has suffered for 18 years.
Jesus cares about our suffering in spirit and in body.  Yet the Jews cared about the rules and the laws.  What the Jews concerned was Jesus healing on a day that was forbidden by the Mosaic laws. What do we care about?  Do we care about the people or just a set of rules that demonstrates our outward spirituality?