讀經分享馬可福音四章26-34 節 ( Mark 4 : 26-34 )

26 又說:神的國,如同人把種撒在地上,
27 黑夜睡覺,白日起來,這種就發芽漸長,那人卻不曉得如何這樣。
28 地生五穀是出於自然的,先發苗,後長穗,再後穗上結成飽滿的子粒。
29 穀既熟了,就用鐮刀去割,因為收成的時候到了。
30 又說:神的國,我們可用甚麼比較呢?可用甚麼比喻表明呢?
31 好像一粒芥菜種,種在地裡的時候,雖比地上的百種都小,
32 但種上以後,就長起來,比各樣的菜都大,又長出大枝來,甚至天上的飛鳥,可以宿在他的蔭下。
33 耶穌用許多這樣的比喻,照他們所能聽的,對他們講道。
34 若不用比喻,就不對他們講,沒有人的時侯,就把一切的道講給門徒聽。
Mark 4:26-34
Jesus used parable to explain the kingdom of God.  It was compared to seeds scattered and the mustard seed that look small.  Truly the kingdom of God grows without us knowing.  It looks small but the impact is enormous. 
Yet Jesus only explained to the disciples but not to others.
We may then ask, aren’t the gospel for the whole world?  Why didn’t Jesus explain to the others? Not until we receive the gospel, our eyes and heart are not open to the words of God.  The parables are used to explain the truth to the followers whose hearts and minds are teachable.