讀經分享耶利米書三十一章33-37節(Jeremiah 31 : 33-37 )

33 耶和華說:那些日子以後,我與以色列家所立的約,乃是這樣,我要將我的律法放在他們裡面,寫在他們心上,我要作他們的神,他們要作我的子民。
34 他們各人不再教導自己的鄰舍,和自己的弟兄,說:你該認識耶和華,因為他們從最小的,到至大的,都必認識我,我要赦免他們的罪孽,不再記念他們的罪惡,這是耶和華說的。
35 那使太陽白日發光,使星月有定例,黑夜發亮,又攪動大海,使海中波浪匉訇的,萬軍之耶和華是他的名,他如此說:
36 這些定例,若能在我面前廢掉,以色列的後裔也就在我面前斷絕,永遠不再成國,這是耶和華說的。
37 耶和華如此說:若能量度上天,尋察下地的根基,我就因以色列後裔一切所行的棄絕他們,這是耶和華說的。
Jeremiah 31:33-37
Prophet Jeremiah depicted not only about the captivity of the Jews but their final return. God is going to make a new covenant with them so that they will not only follow the decrees of the law but building a personal relationship with God.  It is no longer a heritage of their ancestors but a personal commitment to God.
God cares about relationship and He restores all broken relationship with us.  A restored relationship with God leads to restored fellowship with others. We are all reconciled to God through His grace.  Relationship, but not just following rules, is the essence of our faith.