讀經分享馬太福音十三章18-23節 ( Matthew 13:18-23 )

18 所以你們當聽這撒種的比喻。
19 凡聽見天國道理不明白的,那惡者就來,把所撒在他心裡的,奪了去,這就是撒在路旁的了。
20 撒在石頭地上的,就是人聽了道,當下歡喜領受。
21 只因心裡沒有根,不過是暫時的,及至為道遭了患難,或是受了逼迫,立刻就跌倒了。
22 撒在荊棘裡的,就是人聽了道,後來有世上的思慮,錢財的迷惑,把道擠住了,不能結實。
23 撒在好地上的,就是人聽道明白了,後來結實,有一百倍的,有六十倍的,有三十倍的。
Matthew 13:18-23
Christianity is about faith in the salvation of God.  This faith needs to be built and developed.  Jesus used the parable of the sower to help us understand.  There are seeds of faith that are scattered around the rocky ground and among the thorns, there are destroyed upon persecution and trials.  However with seeds on the good soil, they will grow and become fruitful.
Today we are all under different adverse circumstances.  It is a trial of our faith in God.  Faith is a learning, a testing, trusting, persevering and growth.  We are weak and yet God is gracious.  May the Lord help us trust and believe.