讀經分享加拉太書五章16-26節 ( Galatians 5 :16-26 )

16 我說:你們當順著聖靈而行,就不放縱肉體的情慾了。
17 因為情慾和聖靈相爭,聖靈和情慾相爭,這兩個是彼此相敵,使你們不能作所願意作的。
18 但你們若被聖靈引導,就不在律法以下。
19 情慾的事,都是顯而易見的,就如姦淫,污穢,邪蕩,
20 拜偶像,邪術,仇恨,爭競,忌恨,惱怒,結黨,紛爭,異端,
21 嫉妒,〔有古卷在此有兇殺二字〕醉酒,荒宴等類,我從前告訴你們,現在又告訴你們,行這樣事的人,必不能承受神的國
22 聖靈所結的果子,就是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、
23 溫柔,節制,這樣的事,沒有律法禁止。
24 凡屬基督耶穌的人,是已經把肉體,連肉體的邪情私慾,同釘在十字架上了。
25 我們若是靠聖靈得生,就當靠聖靈行事。
26 不要貪圖虛名,彼此惹氣,互相嫉妒。
Galatians 5:16-26
The struggle between the flesh and the Spirit is our daily walk.  We all have our own desire and what it produces is division, self righteousness and filthy lives.  Following the spirits we produce the fruit of peace and lives that bless others.
Yet we are caught daily between the choice of walking by the spirit or our own desire.  We are usually defeated because we have not crucified our desires that lead to death.  Ask the Spirit to lead us, to dwell among us and  have us everyday.