讀經分享民數記11章16-17節;27-29 節(Numbers 11:16-17;27-29 )

民數記11章16-17節;27-29 節

16 耶和華對摩西說:你從以色列的長老中招聚七十個人,就是你所知道作百姓的長老和官長的,到我這裡來,領他們到會幕前,使他們和你一同站立。
17 我要在那裡降臨,與你說話,也要把降於你身上的靈分賜他們,他們就和你同當這管百姓的重任,免得你獨自擔當。
28 摩西的幫手嫩的兒子約書亞,就是摩西所揀選的一個人,說:請我主摩西禁止他們。
29 摩西對他說:你為我的緣故嫉妒人嗎?惟願耶和華的百姓都受感說話,願耶和華把他的靈降在他們身上。
Numbers 11:16-17;27-29 
This passage is a good reminder for all those who serve. God wanted to use other leaders to alleviate the burden of Moses. He asked Moses to assemble 70 elders and decided to take some of the power of the Spirit from Moses to put on them, Moses realized that it would lessen his burden but at the same time it could lessen his power and influence on his people. How would we react if we were Moses? 
Our response may resemble Joshua’s. We may be jealous and feel threatened when our power and duties are shared. We compare and feel uncomfortable when people are better than us. We should learn from Moses. He was not jealous and he wanted everyone to serve as it could help him while shepherding many. He has an accommodating heart and he humbly followed the plan of God. 
As leaders, we should welcome everyone to have the same or greater abilities to serve and minister.