1 保羅來到特庇,又到路司得。在那裡有一個門徒,名叫提摩太,
2 路司得和以哥念的弟兄,都稱讚他。
3 保羅要帶他同去,只因那些地方的猶太人,
4 他們經過各城,把耶路撒冷使徒和長老所定的條規,交給門徒遵守。
5 於是眾教會信心越發堅固,人數天天加增。
6 聖靈既然禁止他們在亞西亞講道,他們就經過弗呂家、
7 到了每西亞的邊界,他們想要往庇推尼去,耶穌的靈卻不許。
8 他們就越過每西亞,下到特羅亞去。
9 在夜間有異象現與保羅,有一個馬其頓人,站著求他說:
10 保羅既看見這異象,我們隨即想要往馬其頓去,
主耶穌,神的工作不單是靠傳道人或宣教士,每個基督徒都該參與。 求祢使用我們每一個人,讓我們都可參與神國的事工。
Acts 16:1-10
Paul continuously preached the words of God. In his journey he met Timothy and he took him along as his co-workers. They approached a few places but the Spirit of God did not allow. Through a vision in Toas, they eventually went to Macedonia.
This is the miraculous work of God. He led us to different places and He provided with resources and directions. What impressed me most is in verse 10 when the narratives turn to “we” and the mission journey becomes the mission of the whole team.
The work of God does not rely on the pastors and missionaries, but every one of us.