讀經分享提摩太後書四章9-18節( 2 Timothy 4: 9-18 )

9 你要趕緊的到我這裡來。
10 因為底馬貪愛現今的世界,就離棄我往帖撒羅尼迦去了,革勒士往加拉太去,提多往撻馬太去。
11 獨有路加在我這裡。你來的時候要把馬可帶來,因為他在傳道的事上於我有益處。〔傳道或作服事我〕
12 我已經打發推基古往以弗所去。
13 我在特羅亞留於加布的那件外衣,你來的時候可以帶來,那些書也要帶來,更是要緊的是那些皮卷。
14 銅匠亞力山大多多的害我,主必照他所行的報應他。
15 你也要防備他,因為他極力敵擋了我們的話。
16 我初次申訴,沒有人前來幫助,竟都離棄我,但願這罪不歸與他們。
17 惟有主站在我旁邊,加給我力量,使福音被我盡都傳明,叫外邦人都聽見,我也從獅子口裡被救出來。
18 主必救我脫離諸般的兇惡,也必救我進他的天國。願榮耀歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們。
2 Timothy 4:9-18
In his last days apostle Paul struggled as he found himself not only being opposed, but deserted.  He needed the support both physically and spiritually. It is so true that we need companionship in our journey through the dark valley.  When human words are in vain, God is here for us when we toil through our crisis and challenges.
There are not only physical pain such as diseases, finances and living.  Many people are in pain being betrayed , deserted and lonely.  Be encouraged, for the Lord who enabled and saved Paul, is the God who never changes and He is with us today.