讀經分享耶利米書一章1-8節( Jeremiah 1:1-8 )

1 便雅憫地亞拿突城的祭司中,希勒家的兒子耶利米的話記在下面。
2 猶大王亞們的兒子約西亞在位十三年,耶和華的話臨到耶利米。
3 從猶大王約西亞的兒子約雅敬在位的時候,直到猶大王約西亞的兒子西底家在位的末年,就是十一年五月間耶路撒冷人被擄的時候,耶和華的話,也常臨到耶利米。
4 耶利米說:耶和華的話臨到我,說:
5 我未將你造在腹中,我已曉得你;你未出母胎,我已分別你為聖;我已派你作列國的先知。
6 我就說:主耶和華阿,我不知怎樣說:因為我是年幼的。
7 耶和華對我說:你不要說我是年幼的,因為我差遣你到誰那裡去,你都要去,我吩咐你說甚麼話,你都要說。
8 你不要懼怕他們,因為我與你同在,要拯救你,這是耶和華說的。
耶利米先知在很年輕時就勇敢的承擔使命,因為他相信上帝給他的應許: 神不離不棄,是他隨時的拯救和幫助。今天我們若只注目在自己的問題和現今的疫情上,生活就容易失焦了,忘記了上帝每天的看顧。求主憐憫我們。
Jeremiah 1:1-8
The calling of Jeremiah is the calling of each of us.  God knows each of us when we’re formed in the womb of our mothers.  He has prepared our lives and we can be His tools no matter at each stage of our lives.  
Jeremiah was very young when he was called.  He dared to respond to the  Lord for He trusted the promises of our faithful Lord.  There are times we are distracted by our problems and the risks of lives.  We will then lose focus on the love and protection of our Heavenly Father and fall on the trap of scare. God cares and He promises to you lead us through.  May the Lord have mercy upon us.