讀經分享使徒行傳十六章6-10 節 ( Acts 16:6 -10 )

6 聖靈既然禁止他們在亞西亞講道,他們就經過弗呂家、加拉太一帶地方。
7 到了每西亞的邊界,他們想要往庇推尼去,耶穌的靈卻不許。
8 他們就越過每西亞,下到特羅亞去。
9 在夜間有異象現與保羅,有一個馬其頓人,站著求他說:請你過到馬其頓來幫助我們。
10 保羅既看見這異象,我們隨即想要往馬其頓去,以為神召我們傳福音給那裡的人聽。
保羅在傳福音的旅程中遇上阻滯,他的理解是上帝的靈禁止他。上帝的靈會阻止我們在某個地方傳福音嗎?這是保羅的經歷,也告訴我們: 有些時候雖然我們的心意是好的,但若上帝的靈禁止,我們也要跟從。
Acts 16:6-10
In his mission trip, Paul recollected that he was stopped to preach the gospel.  Can we believe that the spirit of the Lord will stop us from preaching His words?  It’s telling us that even our intention is good, there are times God does not want us to do what He does not plan.
In the present threat of Coronavirus, everyone has to change their plan for one reason or the other.  Yet Paul in the midst  of changes, received the calling of the Macedonians.  He then went and started his gospel mission there. Obedience, helps us to live according to His will.