讀經分享腓立比書四章10-19節( Philippians 4:10-19 )

10 我靠主大大的喜樂,因為你們思念我的心,如今又發生,你們向來就思念我,只是沒得機會。
11 我並不是因缺乏說這話;我無論在什麼景況都可以知足,這是我已經學會了。
12 我知道怎樣處卑賤,也知道怎樣處豐富;或飽足,或飢餓;或有餘,或缺乏,隨事隨在,我都得了祕訣。
13 我靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能作。
14 然而你們和我同受患難,原是美事。
15 腓立比人阿,你們也知道我初傳福音,離了馬其頓的時候,論到授受的事,除了你們以外,並沒有別的教會供給我。
16 就是我在帖撒羅尼迦,你們也一次兩次的,打發人供給我的需用。
17 我並不求什麼餽送,所求的就是你們的果子漸漸增多,歸在你們的帳上。
18 但我樣樣都有,並且有餘,我已經充足,因我從以巴弗提受了你們的餽送,當作極美的香氣,為神所收納所喜悅的祭物。
19 我的神必照他榮耀的豐富,在基督耶穌裡,使你們一切所需用的都充足。
Philippians 4:10-19
Paul was very grateful to the church of Philippians for they did not only love Paul in words but in deeds by providing him.  Paul was not greedy and he did not ask for people’s material support.  Yet he realized what the Philippians did would be credited by God who knows all our hearts and deeds.
Paul’s way of dealing with his need is magnificent.  He told us that he had learnt to be content, no matter in plenty or in want ; well fed or hungry ; his secret is content.  Being content gives us the perspective of gratefulness and trust.  God will provide and He always does.  Whom do we turn to when we are in need?