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  讀經分享:傳道書十一章( Ecclesiastes 11 )  2021.08.18

1 當將你的糧食撒在水面,因為日久必能得著。
2 你要分給七人,或分給八人,因為你不知道將來有甚麼災禍臨到地上。
3 雲若滿了雨,就必傾倒在地上,樹若向南倒,或向北倒,樹倒在何處,就存在何處。
4 看風的必不撒種,望雲的必不收割。
5 風從何道來,骨頭在懷孕婦人的胎中如何長成,你尚且不得知道,這樣,行萬事之神的作為,你更不得知道。
6 早晨要撒你的種,晚上也不要歇你的手,因為你不知道那一樣發旺,或是早撒的,或是晚撒的,或是兩樣都好。
7 光本是佳美的,眼見日光也是可悅的。
8 人活多年,就當快樂多年,然而也當想到黑暗的日子,因為這日子必多,所要來的都是虛空。
9 少年人哪,你在幼年時當快樂,在幼年的日子,使你的心歡暢,行你心所願行的,看你眼所愛看的,卻要知道,為這一切的事,神必審問你。
10 所以你當從心中除掉愁煩,從肉體克去邪惡,因為一生的開端,和幼年之時,都是虛空的。



Ecclesiastes 11

The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes recognized we could never understand the work of our God. He had all the wonders and goods of life and yet he realized they were all in vain. He therefore encouraged young people to enjoy the youth but fear God for He will judge us one day.

Looks pessimistic, but the author of Ecclesiastes have had all the desires of lives and he finally advises us to share what we have instead of pursuing all our earthly desires. This is the purpose of living and it gives us glimpse of hope that our Lord knows and He delights in our giving. It is good witness of Christian living and the blessings of our God.

Lord what can we do today to share Your goodness so that we can taste Your goodness in doing so?