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  讀經分享:利未記十九章13-16節( Leviticus 19:13-16 )  2021.08.31

13 不可欺壓你的鄰舍,也不可搶奪他的物,雇工人的工價,不可在你那裡過夜留到早晨。
14 不可咒罵聾子,也不可將絆腳石放在瞎子面前,只要敬畏你的神,我是耶和華。
15 你們施行審判,不可行不義,不可偏護窮人,也不可重看有勢力的人,只要按著公義審判你的鄰舍。
16 不可在民中往來搬弄是非,也不可與鄰舍為敵,置之於死,〔原文作流他的血〕我是耶和華。




Leviticus 19:13-16

Chapter 19 of the book of
Leviticus told us how God wants us to live. Every section ends with a phrase: I am the Lord. Today’s passage reminds us not to abuse those we hire, not to bully those who are weak, be fair not siding with the poor or the rich, and stop spreading slander.

They look irrelevant but in fact they reflect the character of our God passionate for the disadvantage, fair to everyone and cares for relationship. They are attributes of God and He wants us to follow.

Are we bias and prejudice against those we dislike or those we look down upon? Do we slander and break relationship? Is there an traits of God’s characters in our lives?