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  讀經分享:民數記九章15-18節( Numbers 9:15-18 )  2021.09.18

15 立起帳幕的那日,有雲彩遮蓋帳幕,就是法櫃的帳幕,從晚上到早晨,雲彩在其上,形狀如火。
16 常是這樣,雲彩遮蓋帳幕,夜間形狀如火。
17 雲彩幾時從帳幕收上去,以色列人就幾時起行,雲彩在哪裡停住,以色列人就在那裡安營。
18 以色列人遵耶和華的吩咐起行,也遵耶和華的吩咐安營,雲彩在帳幕上停住幾時,他們就住營幾時。



Numbers 9:15-18

When the tabernacle was set up, God used a cloud as a sign of presence and guidance. When the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped. When it lifted up and moved, the Israelites followed. It is a beautiful picture of an obedient journey.

With God’s presence in our heart, His sign and guidance lead us the way. When we should start, when we should move forward, or settle, we are well led by our Lord who shows us our way if we seek Him.

Thank You Lord for Your cloud (sign of presence) is always with us to lead us.