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  讀經分享:出埃及記四章10-12節( Exodus 4:10-12 )  2021.09.30

10 摩西對耶和華說:主啊,我素日不是能言的人,就是從你對僕人說話以後,也是這樣。我本是拙口笨舌的。
11 耶和華對他說:誰造人的口呢?誰使人口啞,耳聾,目明,眼瞎呢?豈不是我耶和華嗎?
12 現在去吧,我必賜你口才,指教你所當說的話。




Exodus 4:10-12

Moses was an Egyptian prince and then he turned into a fugitive. When he was called by God, he became fearful and lost his confidence in himself. God assured him that He was the One who would enable and empower him.

Who makes our mouths? Who makes people deaf or mute, sight or blindness? Sometimes we fall into the worldly culture and assess ability according to worldly standard. Don’t forget God chooses the faithful, available and teachable.

We don’t need to look down on ourselves and we don’t need to think too high of ourselves. God can use each of us if we allow Him to.