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  讀經分享 : 詩篇119篇17-24節( Psalm 119:17-24 )  2021.10.04

17 求你用厚恩待你的僕人,使我存活,我就遵守你的話。
18 求你開我的眼睛,使我看出你律法中的奇妙。
19 我是在地上作寄居的,求你不要向我隱瞞你的命令。
20 我時常切慕你的典章,甚至心碎。
21 受咒詛偏離你命令的驕傲人,你已經責備他們。
22 求你除掉我所受的羞辱和藐視,因我遵守你的法度。
23 雖有首領坐著妄論我,你僕人卻思想你的律例。
24 你的法度,是我所喜樂的,是我的謀士。



禱告: 神啊,祢的愛叫我們跟從祢,教導我們晝夜思想祢的話,總不偏離。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Psalm 119:17-24

The whole psalm 119 talks about the benefits of the laws of God and reminds us to follow. The passage today is a plea for God to open our eyes to understand and being doing so we understand the benefits of the laws and follow.

People dislike listening to orders. We love to do things our ways thinking it is freedom. God wants to bless us by ordering us to walk in His path for His way is a way of blessing, peace and joy in obedience.

Lord thank You for giving us Your Commandment, open our eyes to follow and obey.