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  讀經分享 : 傳道書七章1-8節( Ecclesiastes 7:1-8 )  2021.10.11

1 名譽強如美好的膏油,人死的日子,勝過人生的日子。
2 往遭喪的家去,強如往宴樂的家去,因為死是眾人的結局,活人也必將這事放在心上。
3 憂愁強如喜笑,因為面帶愁容終必使心喜樂。
4 智慧人的心,在遭喪之家,愚昧人的心,在快樂之家。
5 聽智慧人的責備,強如聽愚昧人的歌唱。
6 愚昧人的笑聲,好像鍋下燒荊棘的爆聲,這也是虛空。
7 勒索使智慧人變為愚妄,賄賂能敗壞人的慧心。
8 事情的終局,強如事情的起頭,存心忍耐的,勝過居心驕傲的。




Ecclesiastes 7:1-8

The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes tells us the difference between the wise and the foolish. The wise recognise the limits of life and the purpose of adversity. The low time can lead to the high time in different life situations. The fools, on the other hand only care about the short lived happiness and prosperity. They do not take into account the issue of eternity.

We are no difference to the fools. What we care about are material gains, fame and stability in the present days. We tend to ignore times of deficiency where we really know who God is and what He can do. Not until then we realise there’s a good purpose in life as God desires.

May we know God, and thus live and cherish lives according to His good purposes and grace.