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  讀經分享:路加福音十七章11-19節( Luke 17:11-19 )  2021.10.13

11 耶穌往耶路撒冷去,經過撒瑪利亞和加利利。
12 進入一個村子,有十個長大痳瘋的迎面而來,遠遠的站著。
13 高聲說:耶穌,夫子,可憐我們吧。
14 耶穌看見,就對他們說:你們去把身體給祭司察看。他們去的時候就潔淨了。
15 內中有一個見自己已經好了,就回來大聲歸榮耀與神。
16 又俯伏在耶穌腳前感謝他,這人是撒瑪利亞人。
17 耶穌說:潔淨了的不是十個人嗎?那九個在那裡呢?
18 除了這外族人,再沒有別人回來歸榮耀與神嗎?
19 就對那人說:起來走吧,你的信救了你了。




Luke 17:11-19

The ten men with leprosy came to Jesus and they were healed. Yet only one of them returned to Christ and thanked Him. In the end his soul was healed as his physical body.

It is true that we take good care of our bodies, but our spiritual health is also essential. How often we care about what we eat in order to get healthy but neglect what we think and do that can pollute our soul. We need to resist evil that damages our spiritual health.

Be thankful, going back to Jesus, the daily intake of spiritual chicken soup are ways to nurture our soul and mind.