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  讀經分享:出埃及記十七章8-13節( Exodus 17:8-13 )  2021.10.14

8 那時,亞瑪力人來在利非訂,和以色列人爭戰。
9 摩西對約書亞說:你為我們選出人來,出去和亞瑪力人爭戰,明天我手裡要拿著神的杖,站在山頂上。
10 於是約書亞照著摩西對他所說的話行,和亞瑪力人爭戰,摩西,亞倫,與戶珥,都上了山頂。
11 摩西何時舉手,以色列人就得勝,何時垂手,亞瑪力人就得勝。
12 但摩西的手發沉,他們就搬石頭來,放在他以下,他就坐在上面,亞倫與戶珥扶著他的手,一個在這邊,一個在那邊,他的手就穩住,直到日落的時候。
13 約書亞用刀殺了亞瑪力王和他的百姓。



禱告: 神啊!我們不能獨自爭戰,我們要倚靠祢,並有屬靈團隊互相扶持,因此而得勝。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Exodus 17:8-13

The passage narrates the war between the Israelites and the Amalekites. Moses
held the staff of God and when his hands were raised, the Israelites won. When he was tired and his hands were lowered, the Amalekites won. Aaron and Hur both helped Moses to raise his hands in order to defeat the enemies. Joshua in the end led the Israelites to win the battle.

What does the passage teach us?we need the power of God to fight our spiritual battle and leaders play an important role. Their faith in God, their prayer and their leadership are vital. Moses can be weak but he has a team of helpers to be there for him.

Lord You are good for we can’t fight on our own. We need You and the team of fighters You provide.