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  讀經分享 : 哥林多前書三章9-16節( 1 Corinthians 3:9-16 )  2021.10.19

9 因為我們是與神同工的,你們是神所耕種的田地,所建造的房屋。
10 我照神所給我的恩,好像一個聰明的工頭,立好了根基,有別人在上面建造,只是各人要謹慎怎樣在上面建造。
11 因為那已經立好的根基,就是耶穌基督,此外沒有人能立別的根基。
12 若有人用金、銀、寶石、草木,禾稭在這根基上建造,
13 各人的工程必然顯露,因為那日子要將他表明出來,有火發現,這火要試驗各人的工程怎樣。
14 人在那根基上所建造的工程,若存得住,他就要得賞賜。
15 人的工程若被燒了,他就要受虧損,自己卻要得救,雖然得救乃像從火裡經過的一樣。
16 豈不知你們是神的殿,神的靈住在你們裡頭嗎?



1 Corinthians 3:9-16

Paul described the lives of believers as a building project on the land that belongs to God. We are to build the temple of God. Some use precious stones, some with wood and straws. The importance of it is that God dwells within us and we are the temple of God.

It seems hard to understand. In simple terms Paul reminds us that we need to set apart and build a holy temple when the Spirit of God lives. It costs yet we have a precious foundation, the salvation of Christ.