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  讀經分享:詩篇37篇3-7節( Psalm 37:3-7 )  2021.10.21

3 你當倚靠耶和華而行善,住在地上,以他的信實為糧。
4 又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。
5 當將你的事交託耶和華,並倚靠他,他就必成全。
6 他要使你的公義,如光發出,使你的公平,明如正午。
7 你當默然倚靠耶和華,耐性等候他,不要因那道路通達的,和那惡謀成就的,心懷不平。



禱告: 神啊!祢的信實廣大,祢昔日今日永不改變,我們不轉向祢,還可以靠誰呢?求祢保守我們的心,不要心懷不平,要倚靠神,耐性等候祢。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Psalm 37:3-7

Commit what we plan and desire to the Lord is an act of faith. The psalmist told us to trust in Him and He will delight us in what we desire, implying He will finish His good purposes through us if we commit ourselves to obey His will and follow His path.

Covid is driving us mad. Some continue to be fearful
and feel unrest. Some are so irritable and impatient that they refuse to follow the rules. As His people, we are to be still and wait on Him for He has perfect timing and good purposes in our wait.

Lord You are trustworthy, and who else can we turn to in times of need?