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  讀經分享:民數記二十章1-12節( Numbers 20:1-12 )  2021.10.25

1 正月間以色列全會眾,到了尋的曠野,就住在加低斯,米利暗死在那裡,就葬在那裡。
2 會眾沒有水喝,就聚集攻擊摩西,亞倫。
3 百姓向摩西爭鬧說:我們的弟兄曾死在耶和華面前,我們恨不得與他們同死。
4 你們為何把耶和華的會眾領到這曠野,使我們和牲畜都死在這裡呢?
5 你們為何逼著我們出埃及,領我們到這壞地方呢?這地方不好撒種,也沒有無花果樹,葡萄樹,石榴樹,又沒有水喝。
6 摩西,亞倫離開會眾,到會幕門口,俯伏在地,耶和華的榮光向他們顯現。
7 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
8 你拿著杖去,和你的哥哥亞倫招聚會眾,在他們眼前吩咐磐石發出水來,水就從磐石流出給會眾,和他們的牲畜喝。
9 於是摩西照耶和華所吩咐的,從耶和華面前取了杖去。
10 摩西,亞倫就招聚會眾到磐石前,摩西說:你們這些背叛的人聽我說:我為你們使水從這磐石中流出來嗎?
11 摩西舉手,用杖擊打磐石兩下,就有許多水流出來,會眾和他們的牲畜都喝了。
12 耶和華對摩西,亞倫說:因為你們不信我,不在以色列人眼前尊我為聖,所以你們必不得領這會眾進我所賜給他們的地去。




Numbers 20:1-12

When the Israelites arrived Kedash, they again complained about their thirst and Moses became annoyed. He struck the rock twice instead of commanding the rock to bring water out of the rock. He was disobedient and did not honour God in front of the Israelites. He was punished and could not enter into the promised land.

We may disagree with the judgement of God for it seems too harsh for Moses who labour so hard for God. Yet we tend to minimize the severity of sins and forget about our Holy God who cannot put up with sins. We all deserve punishment as Moses did but we are graciously saved through the blood of Jesus.

Without the gracious love of Christ, no one can stand before our Holy God.