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  讀經分享:以斯拉記八章21-23節( Ezra 8:21-23 )  2021.11.10

21 那時,我在亞哈瓦河邊宣告禁食,為要在我們神面前克苦己心,求他使我們和婦人孩子,並一切所有的,都得平坦的道路。
22 我求王撥步兵馬兵,幫助我們抵擋路上的仇敵,本以為羞恥,因我曾對王說:我們神施恩的手,必幫助一切尋求他的,但他的能力和忿怒,必攻擊一切離棄他的。
23 所以我們禁食祈求我們的神,他就應允了我們。


神的供應在乎我們的心,若我們的心轉向上帝,單單倚靠祂,祂總會給我們一條出路。重建聖殿是一條十分艱難的路 ,但神總有預備。


Ezra 8:21-23

Chapter 8 of the book of Ezra narrated the rebuilding of the temple with the provision of resources from God. The passage today describes how Ezra fasted and waited upon the Lord. The passage before and after tells us God provided people and the material for the whole project.

God’s provision depends on our heart. Do we focus on Him and trust Him? He always provides for our God is never lacking. The work may be enormous but God is never too small.

How do we see the work of God and His provision? Do we focus on Him upon His provision?