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  讀經分享:約伯記四十二章1-6節( Job 42:1-6 )  2021.11.11

1 約伯回答耶和華說:
2 我知道你萬事都能作,你的旨意不能攔阻。
3 誰用無知的言語,使你的旨意隱藏呢?我所說的,是我不明白的,這些事太奇妙,是我不知道的。
4 求你聽我,我要說話,我問你,求你指示我。
5 我從前風聞有你,現在親眼看見你。
6 因此我厭惡自己,〔自己或作我的言語〕在塵土和爐灰中懊悔。

約伯在經歷許多的苦難、許多的自義、甚至許多的質疑後,找到了真理,就是上帝無所不能,只是我們所知道的不多,而我們不知道的要向神陳明。過去約伯只是風聞有神,如今他找到了上帝,他親眼見祂 (5節)。


禱告: 神啊!祢是全知全能的神,願我們信靠祢、經歷祢、看見祢。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Job 42:1-6

Going through all the suffering, doubts and being self righteous, Job finally realized God is God and He is omnipotent. He thought he knew God but only through submission, he came to know God, to experience God and to see God.

Life is full of unknown and uncertainty. We cannot have answers to all questions. Yet through the eyes of faith, we can see God and His Mighty hands. When we don’t know, wait upon Him. When we think we know, we should humble ourselves and seek Him instead of being overly self righteous.

In our ignorance, we need to seek Him, experience Him and to see Him.