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  讀經分享:雅歌八章6-7節 ( Song of songs 8:6-7 )  2021.11.23

6 求你將我放在你心上如印記,帶在你臂上如戳記,因為愛情如死之堅強,嫉恨如陰間之殘忍,所發的電光,是火焰的電光,是耶和華的烈焰。
7 愛情,眾水不能息滅,大水也不能淹沒,若有人拿家中所有的財寶要換愛情,就全被藐視。




Song of songs 8:6-7

It is always hard to understand Song of Songs for it describes too blatantly the love of God for us. Yet the passage today is not hard. It describes the love of God as so deep that He wants us to have it sealed in our hearts and our arms.

Perhaps we have already forgotten what love is like. When two people are in love, they can’t let go of each other, and they think of each other day and night. God loves us and will not let go of us, yet are we the same to Him?

The love of God cannot be swept away, and how can we respond to His never changing love?