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  讀經分享:馬太福音七章17-20節( Matthew 7:17-20 )  2021.11.25

17 這樣,凡好樹都結好果子,惟獨壞樹結壞果子。
18 好樹不能結壞果子,壞樹不能結好果子。
19 凡不結好果子的樹,就砍下來,丟在火裡。
20 所以憑著他們的果子,就可以認出他們來。



Matthew 7:17-20

As disciples, do we live a life like disciples, and do we produce fruits as a spirit inspired followers? Very often we know a lot, we remember a lot about the Truth, yet we do not produce the fruits accordingly.

Jesus seriously warned us about Christian living. There are two main themes, first of all we are all to bear fruits according to God’s good purposes. Good trees produce good fruits, yet even good behaviour may not reflect our hearts. God will judge and He knows all the details of our heart.

Let’s produce the good fruits and testify our Lord as His disciples.