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  讀經分享:申命記二章26-37節( Deuteronomy 2:26-37 )  2022.01.28

26 我從基底莫的曠野,差遣使者去見希實本王西宏,用和睦的話說:
27 求你容我從你的地經過,只走大道,不偏左右。
28 你可以賣糧給我吃,也可以賣水給我喝,只要容我步行過去。
29 就如住西珥的以掃子孫,和住亞珥的摩押人待我一樣,等我過了約但河,好進入耶和華我們神所賜給我們的地。
30 但希實本王西宏,不容我們從他那裡經過,因為耶和華你的神使他心中剛硬,性情頑梗,為要將他交在你手中,像今日一樣。
31 耶和華對我說:從此起首,我要將西宏和他的地,交給你,你要得他的地為業。
32 那時西宏和他的眾民,出來攻擊我們,在雅雜與我們交戰。
33 耶和華─我們的神將他交給我們,我們就把他和他的兒子,並他的眾民,都擊殺了。
34 我們奪了他的一切城邑,將有人煙的各城,連女人帶孩子,盡都毀滅,沒有留下一個。
35 惟有牲畜,和所奪的各城,並其中的財物,都取為自己的掠物。
36 從亞嫩谷邊的亞羅珥,和谷中的城,直到基列,耶和華我們的神都交給我們了,沒有一座城高得使我們不能攻取的。
37 惟有亞捫人之地,凡靠近雅博河的地,並山地的城邑,與耶和華我們神所禁止我們去的地方,都沒有挨近。



Deuteronomy 2:26-37

After the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, the Lord directed them to move north into the promised land. They had to face lots of enemies, and today’s passage narrates the fight against Sihon, king of Heshbon, who refused to let the Israelites go through his territory. He was eventually defeated through the Mighty hands of our Lord.

Facing challenges we sometimes have to wait with patience, and sometimes we need to forward with courage. The essence of the response is our faith and obedience in the Lord. Gain and loss are all in the hands of our Mighty God.

How often we forget about You, oh Lord, that You are helping and guiding us each day.