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  讀經分享:創世記八章8-12節( Genesis 8:8-12 )  2022.02.03

8 他又放出一隻鴿子去,要看看水從地上退了沒有。
9 但遍地上都是水,鴿子找不著落腳之地,就回到方舟挪亞那裡,挪亞伸手把鴿子接進方舟來。
10 他又等了七天,再把鴿子從方舟放出去。
11 到了晚上,鴿子回到他那裡,嘴裡叼著一個新擰下來的橄欖葉子,挪亞就知道地上的水退了。
12 又等了七天,放出鴿子去,鴿子就不再回來了。



Genesis 8:8-12

When Noah was waiting in the ark, he sent out the dove three times to find out if the water had receded from the surface of the earth. He might have been saddened when the dove returned because it could not find a place to perch.

There are times God gives us things we can see to prove that the crisis is over. However sometimes we can’t see any progress but it does not mean God is not working. God has His timing and the problem is us, whether we can wait upon Him and His working despite there is no evidence of His work.

When we can’t see anything it does not mean God is not working. Trust is believing when we can’t see what we want to see.