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  讀經分享:列王紀上12章21-24節( 1 King 12 : 21-24 )  2022.02.04

21 羅波安來到耶路撒冷,招聚猶大全家,和便雅憫支派的人,共十八萬,都是挑選的戰士,要與以色列家爭戰,好將國奪回,再歸所羅門的兒子羅波安。
22 但神的話臨到神人示瑪雅,說:
23 你去告訴所羅門的兒子,猶大王羅波安,和猶大,便雅憫全家,並其餘的民,說:
24 耶和華如此說:你們不可上去,與你們的弟兄以色列人爭戰,各歸各家去吧,因為這事出於我。眾人就聽從耶和華的話,遵著耶和華的命回去了。



1 king 12:21-24

Jeroboam gathered the people of Judah to fight the Israelites so as to take back the kingdom of Solomon. But the words of God came to him and his people through the prophet. God told them not to fight against their brothers and go home, “for this thing is my doing”.

“For this thing is my doing” may not be the situation we like, yet it implies the sovereignty of God and a quest for us to obey and follow. It is also a lesson of trust in God who sees us as precious and honored (Isaiah 43:3).