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  讀經分享 : 馬太福音17章14-20節( Matthew 17:14-20 )  2022.02.22

14 耶穌和門徒到了眾人那裡,有一個人來見耶穌,跪下,說:
15 主阿,憐憫我的兒子,他害癲癇的病很苦,屢次跌在火裡,屢次跌在水裡。
16 我帶他到你門徒那裡,他們卻不能醫治他。
17 耶穌說:噯!這又不信又悖謬的世代啊,我在你們這裡要到幾時呢?我忍耐你們要到幾時呢?把他帶到我這裡來吧!
18 耶穌斥責那鬼,鬼就出來,從此孩子就痊癒了。
19 門徒暗暗的到耶穌跟前說:我們為甚麼不能趕出那鬼呢?
20 耶穌說:是因你們的信心小,我實在告訴你們,你們若有信心像一粒芥菜種,就是對這座山說:你從這邊挪到那邊,他也必挪去,並且你們沒有一件不能作的事了。




Matthew 17:14-20

The disciples of Jesus were not able to heal the boy who was obsessed by demon. Jesus then reprimanded them as unbelieving and He sighed towards this perverse world. He teaches us the great work of faith, despite it is small as a mustard seed.

We are indeed an unbelieving generation. We only trust what we can see. We need the faith that “we can’t but in God everything is possible”. This is the power of faith to face different challenges and circumstances, despite our faith is small. It gives us perspective, hope and power to move on.

Faith can be as small as a mustard seed but it can do big things in the Lord.