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  讀經分享:出埃及記十章13-20節( Exodus 10:13-20 )  2022.03.14

13 摩西就向埃及地伸杖,那一晝一夜,耶和華使東風颳在埃及地上,到了早晨,東風把蝗蟲颳了來。
14 蝗蟲上來,落在埃及的四境,甚是利害,以前沒有這樣的,以後也必沒有。
15 因為這蝗蟲遮滿地面,甚至地都黑暗了,又吃地上一切的菜蔬,和冰雹所剩樹上的果子。埃及遍地,無論是樹木,是田間的菜蔬,連一點青的也沒有留下。
16 於是法老急忙召了摩西亞倫來,說:我得罪耶和華你們的神,又得罪了你們。
17 現在求你,只這一次,饒恕我的罪,求耶和華你們的神,使我脫離這一次的死亡。
18 摩西就離開法老去求耶和華。
19 耶和華轉了極大的西風,把蝗蟲颳起,吹入紅海,在埃及的四境連一個也沒有留下。
20 但耶和華使法老的心剛硬,不容以色列人去。




Exodus 10:13-20

The “east wind and the west wind” are under the sovereign control of God. They can be used to create problems and obstacles and they can be used to ease our problems. The locust had been the great headache for the Egyptians and pharaoh bowed his head towards God when the locust came and ate away all their food. Unfortunately when problem resolved, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened again.

Things happen with a reason, either to make us grow, let us change or to save us from evils. We need to examine the “ east wind and west wind” in life and recognize God’s will in them.

God make us better through different seasons of life and let us submit to Your will.