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  讀經分享 : 以賽亞書41章14-20節 ( Isaiah 41:14-20 )  2022.03.18

14 你這蟲雅各,和你們以色列人,不要害怕,耶和華說:我必幫助你,你的救贖主,就是以色列的聖者。
15 看哪,我已使你成為有快齒打糧的新器具,你要把山嶺打得粉碎,使岡陵如同糠秕。
16 你要把他簸揚風要吹去,旋風要把他颳散,你倒要以耶和華為喜樂,以以色列的聖者為誇耀。
17 困苦窮乏人尋求水卻沒有,他們因口渴,舌頭乾燥,我耶和華必應允他們,我以色列的神必不離棄他們。
18 我要在淨光的高處開江河,在谷中開泉源,我要使沙漠變為水池,使乾地變為湧泉。
19 我要在曠野種上香柏樹,皂莢樹,番石榴樹,和野橄欖樹,我在沙漠要把松樹,杉樹,並黃楊樹一同栽植。
20 好叫人看見,知道,思想,明白,這是耶和華的手所作的,是以色列的聖者所造的。




Isaiah 41:14-20

The Bible describes the Israelites as worms. They were weak and could not protect themselves. Yet God made them into threshing sledge and they could crush the mountain and reduce the hill to chuff. God also assured them that He would help them and they did not have to fear.

Aren’t we the same like the Israelites? We cannot do much and we are hard pressed by circumstances. But worms can turn into threshing sledge and we can overpower the circumstances through the help of our Lord.

Let’s admit that we can’t but God can, and do not fear for He will help us.