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  讀經分享:列王紀上十九章3-8節( 1 king 19: 3-8 )  2022.03.24

3 以利亞見這光景,就起來逃命,到了猶大的別是巴,將僕人留在那裡。
4 自己在曠野走了一日的路程,來到一棵羅騰樹下,〔羅騰小樹名松類下同〕就坐在那裡求死,說:耶和華阿,罷了,求你取我的性命,因為我不勝於我的列祖。
5 他就躺在羅騰樹下,睡著了,有一個天使拍他,說:起來吃吧。
6 他觀看見頭旁有一瓶水,與炭火燒的餅,他就吃了喝了,仍然躺下。
7 耶和華的使者第二次來拍他,說:起來吃吧,因為你當走的路甚遠。
8 他就起來吃了喝了,仗著這飲食的力,走了四十晝夜,到了神的山,就是何烈山。



禱告: 主啊!當環境艱難的時候,唯有祢能幫助我們走出難關。奉耶穌基督的名禱告,阿們。

1 king 19: 3-8

Elijah triumphed in ministry and yet he ran for his life when his enemies were after him. He then became depressed and lonely, to the point he wanted his life ended. He lied down and could not stand on his feet, losing direction.

Have we ever experienced situation where we cannot see any way out? Yet God never forsakes us. He sent angels to empower us. He helped Elijah and He will help us too.

Lord only You can help us when life is hard.