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  讀經分享 : 以西結書40章1-4節 ( Ezekiel 40:1-4 )  2022.04.26

1 我們被擄掠第二十五年,耶路撒冷城攻破後十四年,正在年初,月之初十日,耶和華的靈〔原文作手〕降在我身上,他把我帶到以色列地。
2 在神的異象中帶我到以色列地,安置在至高的山上,在山上的南邊有彷彿一座城建立。
3 他帶我到那裡,見有一人,顏色〔原文作形狀〕如銅,手拿麻繩,和量度的竿,站在門口。
4 那人對我說:人子啊,凡我所指示你的,你都要用眼看,用耳聽,並要放在心上。我帶你到這裡來,特為要指示你;凡你所見的,你都要告訴以色列家。




Ezekiel 40:1-4

God brought the prophet Ezekiel and let him see the vision of the new temple. God particularly reminded the prophet, “look carefully, listen closely and pay attention to everything in Him going to show and tell the people of Israel everything you see.”

God is showing us everything in every different season. No matter we are in the dark valley of weeping or the smooth and wide path, He is showing us His company and blessing. Look, listen and put all that He shows us in our heart.

Let’s don’t be dragged by our troubles, and don’t indulge in our easy journey. Let’s decide to follow God wherever He leads us.