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  讀經分享:撒母耳記下12章19-23節( 2 Samuel 12:19-23 )  2022.04.27

19 大衛見臣僕彼此低聲說話,就知道孩子死了,問臣僕說:孩子死了嗎?他們說:死了。
20 大衛就從地上起來,沐浴,抹膏,換了衣裳,進耶和華的殿敬拜,然後回宮,吩咐人擺飯,他便吃了。
21 臣僕問他說:你所行的是甚麼意思,孩子活著的時候,你禁食哭泣,孩子死了,你倒起來吃飯。
22 大衛說:孩子還活著,我禁食哭泣,因為我想,或者耶和華憐恤我,使孩子不死,也未可知。
23 孩子死了我何必禁食,我豈能使他返回呢?我必往他那裡去,他卻不能回我這裡來。




2 Samuel 12:19-23

David lost the son that he had in adultery and he then knew he had to get up and start again with his life. He knew he had sinned against God and men and he knew he had to pay the cost. Yet after repentance, he had to start again and move forward.

We often make mistakes and do things against the will of God. Yet we need to realise we need to move forward after repentance. God does not want us to dwell in our regrets and refrain from moving forward. He wants us to start again a life He desires for us.

The first step of repentance is dealing with our mistake courageously.