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  讀經分享: 撒母耳記下22章13-20節( 2 Samuel 22:13-20 )  2022.04.28

13 因他面前的光輝炭都著了。
14 耶和華從天上打雷,至高者發出聲音。
15 他射出箭來,使仇敵四散,發出閃電,使他們擾亂。
16 耶和華的斥責一發,鼻孔的氣一出,海底就出現,大地的根基也顯露。
17 他從高天伸手抓住我,把我從大水中拉上來。
18 他救我脫離我的勁敵,和那些恨我的人,因為他們比我強盛。
19 我遭遇災難的日子,他們來攻擊我,但耶和華是我的倚靠。
20 他又領我到寬闊之處,他救拔我,因他喜悅我。




2 Sameul 22:13-20

We often think that God is omnipotent but do we really believe in it. David told us that our God did not just sit in heaven watching. He rebuked evil, attacked the enemies and saved His people from them. He is righteous and caring.

Approaching our problems, do we go and seek the people we trust and the resources we have ? It is not wrong but we should first come to God before we go and seek help from men. Our God cares for us.

Going to the throne but not the phone is the way we handle our challenge.