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  讀經分享:創世記41章1-7節( Genesis 41:1-7 )  2022.04.30

1 過了兩年法老作夢,夢見自己站在河邊。
2 有七隻母牛從河裡上來,又美好,又肥壯在蘆荻中吃草。
3 隨後又有七隻母牛從河裡上來,又醜陋,又乾瘦,與那七隻母牛一同站在河邊。
4 這又醜陋,又乾瘦的七隻母牛,吃盡了那又美好,又肥壯的七隻母牛,法老就醒了。
5 他又睡著,第二回作夢,夢見一棵麥子長了七個穗子,又肥大,又佳美。
6 隨後又長了七個穗子,又細弱,又被東風吹焦了。
7 這細弱的穗子,吞了那七個又肥大又飽滿的穗子,法老醒了,不料是個夢。

上帝藉着夢境: 七隻瘦弱的牛,吃掉了七隻肥壯的牛;七個瘦弱的穗子,吞吃了七個肥大的穗子,警告並提醒埃及法老,七年的饑荒要來了。



Genesis 41:1-7

Through a dream, God sent a message to the pharaoh of Egypt. Seven ugly and gaunt cows ate up the seven fat and sleek ones, seven thin heads of grain swallowed the seven healthy heads. God was telling pharaoh the coming of famine.

Life is full of ups and downs. If we are living in abundance, we should be grateful and be prepared for challenges. Otherwise in adversity we should trust that it will eventually go away. Pessimism will only bring us sadness and sorrow. Being overly optimistic can lead to negligence and lack of readiness for changes.

Life is in the hands of our Lord. We need to trust and obey.