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  讀經分享:申命記34章7-12節( Deuteronomy 34:7-12 )  2022.05.14

7 摩西死的時候,年一百二十歲,眼目沒有昏花,精神沒有衰敗。
8 以色列人在摩押平原為摩西哀哭了三十日,為摩西居喪哀哭的日子就滿了。
9 嫩的兒子約書亞,因為摩西曾按手在他頭上,就被智慧的靈充滿,以色列人便聽從他,照著耶和華吩咐摩西的行了。
10 以後以色列中再沒有興起先知像摩西的,他是耶和華面對面所認識的。
11 耶和華打發他在埃及地,向法老和他的一切臣僕,並他的全地,行各樣神蹟奇事。
12 又在以色列眾人眼前顯大能的手,行一切大而可畏的事。



禱告: 天父,求您使用當今的信徒領袖,他們能作好榜樣並傳承生命;也求您興起新一代合祢心意的領袖,願祢的國降臨,祢的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Deuteronomy 34:7-12

Moses died when he was 120 years old. At the times his eyes were not weak and his strength were not gone. Moses was given very positive comment and there was no prophets greater than him. Yet his end brought the beginning of another leader Joshua, who inherited his wisdom from God and lead the people according to the instructions of the Lord.

The Christian community should follow the same path, namely experienced leadership to pass on duties and leadership to younger ones setting good example of faith and loyalty. By then God’s kingdom can be further expanded in earth.

Good leaders delicate and set examples, through which they earn their respect.