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  讀經分享:出埃及記16章4-5;13-18節( Exodus 16:4-5;13-18 )  2022.05.19

4 耶和華對摩西說:我要將糧食從天降給你們,百姓可以出去,每天收每天的分,我好試驗他們遵不遵我的法度。
5 到第六天他們要把所收進來的預備好了,比每天所收的多一倍。
13 到了晚上,有鵪鶉飛來,遮滿了營,早晨在營四圍的地上有露水,
14 露水上升之後,不料,野地面上有如白霜的小圓物。
15 以色列人看見,不知道是甚麼,就彼此對問說:這是甚麼呢?摩西對他們說:這就是耶和華給你們吃的食物。
16 耶和華所吩咐的是這樣,你們要按著各人的飯量,為帳棚裡的人按著人數收起來,各拿一俄梅珥。
17 以色列人就這樣行,有多收的,有少收的。
18 及至用俄梅珥量一量,多收的也沒有餘,少收的也沒有缺,各人按著自己的飯量收取。




Exodus 16:4-5;13-18

The lesson of Manna does not only reflect the gracious provision of God, it also shows His wisdom. The Israelites were to gather what they needed everyday, twice before the sabbath. They did not have any surplus and they did not lack any. This is Divine provision.

As believers today, we may be living in affluence or in deficiency. God will provide at His time. No matter we are rich or poor, what we need is the same, a good meal, a place to sleep, fresh air to breathe. God is fair to everyone.

Let’s share if we are adequate and hope if we are in need. Gratitude and faith are what we need to practice everyday.