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  讀經分享 : 但以理書二章24-30節( Daniel 2:24-30 )  2022.05.20

24 於是但以理進去見亞略,就是王所派滅絕巴比倫哲士的,對他說:不要滅絕巴比倫的哲士,求你領我到王面前,我要將夢的講解告訴王。
25 亞略就急忙將但以理領到王面前,對王說:我在被擄的猶大人中遇見一人,他能將夢的講解告訴王。
26 王問稱為伯提沙撒的但以理說:你能將我所作的夢,和夢的講解,告訴我嗎?
27 但以理在王面前回答說:王所問的那奧秘事,哲士,用法術的,術士,觀兆的,都不能告訴王。
28 只有一位在天上的神能顯明奧祕的事。他已將日後必有的事指示尼布甲尼撒王。你的夢和你在床上腦中的異象是這樣:
29 王阿,你在床上想到後來的事,那顯明奧秘事的主,把將來必有的事指示你。
30 至於那奧秘的事顯明給我,並非因我的智慧勝過一切活人,乃為使王知道夢的講解,和心裡的思念。




Daniel 2:24-30

Daniel was able to interpret the dream for the king. Daniel was not boastful of his ability but recognised it was a gift of God. He gave glory to God saying God is the Only One who could reveal mystery and the purpose of the interpretation was what God wanted to reveal to the king to prepare for the future.

We all are gifted in one way or the other. Do we see that as God’s gift for us to bless others and to glorify Him? Or are we just boastful thinking that we are better than others?

Let’s bless others through the gifts of God and let’s be grateful to God for what we are gifted with.