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  讀經分享 : 哥林多前書16章15-18節  2022.05.23

15 弟兄們,你們曉得司提反一家,是亞該亞初結的果子,並且他們專以服事聖徒為念。
16 我勸你們順服這樣的人,並一切同工同勞的人。
17 司提反和福徒拿都,並亞該古到這裡來,我很喜歡;因為你們待我有不及之處,他們補上了。
18 他們叫我和你們心裡都快活。這樣的人,你們務要敬重。




1 Corinthians 16:15-18

At the end of the book of 1 Corinthians, Paul wrote down a few names that he was thankful to but we didn’t know about them. They were not great preacher or famous theologians. They were faithful servants aiming to serve the people of the Lord without getting reward.

According to Paul, they deserved more respect, for what they have refreshed many other people in spirit and in soul. There are many anonymous workers in the church working humbly to serve the Lord today and we should be thankful.

May we be the humble faithful servant God desires, but not the ones who only offer lips service.