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  讀經分享:馬太福音22章23-33節( Matthew 22:23-33 )  2022.05.31

23 撒都該人常說沒有復活的事。那天,他們來問耶穌說:
24 夫子,摩西說:人若死了,沒有孩子,他兄弟當娶他的妻,為哥哥生子立後。
25 從前在我們這裡,有弟兄七人,第一個娶了妻,死了,沒有孩子,撇下妻子給兄弟。
26 第二第三直到第七個,都是如此。
27 末後,婦人也死了。
28 這樣,當復活的時候,她是七個人中,那一個的妻子呢?因為他們都娶過她。
29 耶穌回答說:你們錯了,因為不明白聖經,也不曉得神的大能。
30 當復活的時候,人也不娶也不嫁,乃像天上的使者一樣。
31 論到死人復活,神在經上向你們所說的,你們沒有念過嗎?
32 他說:『我是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神。』神不是死人的神,乃是活人的神。
33 眾人聽見這話,就希奇他的教訓。




Matthew 22:23-33

The Sadducees asked Jesus about the resurrected life and Jesus told them that they did but understand the Bible and the power of God. What does that mean? The Sadducees used the present world to interpret the spiritual world and they did not understand resurrection.

It seems like resurrection is a distant thing but indeed all saved people should be living a resurrected life. We are to live in the fullness of God today through His power and enabling, not following the worldly view and values. We are all new persons from the day we are saved.

Thank God You are God of the living and You are our God.