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  讀經分享:約翰福音四章46-54節 ( John 4:46-54 )  2022.07.03

46 耶穌又到了加利利的迦拿,就是他從前變水為酒的地方,有一個大臣,他的兒子在迦百農患病。
47 他聽見耶穌從猶太到了加利利,就來見他,求他下去醫治他的兒子,因為他兒子快要死了。
48 耶穌就對他說:若不看見神蹟奇事,你們總是不信。
49 那大臣說:先生,求你趁著我的孩子還沒有死,就下去。
50 耶穌對他說:回去吧,你的兒子活了。那人信耶穌所說的話,就回去了。
51 正下去的時候,他的僕人迎見他,說他的兒子活了。
52 他就問甚麼時候見好的。他們說:昨日未時熱就退了。
53 他便知道這正是耶穌對他說你兒子活了的時候,他自己和全家就都信了。
54 這是耶穌在加利利行的第二件神蹟,是他從猶太回去以後行的。




John 4:46-54

A royal official heard about Jesus in Galilee, he went to seek help from Jesus for his son was sick. Jesus knew our little faith and He performed miracle. As Jesus told the father that He would heal his son, the father believed and returned home. On his way, his son recovered.

What is faith? Faith is believing before what we ask for is realised. Very often we pray and we repeat our request as if God doesn’t hear them. When we believe, we can praise God while waiting for answers. When the royal official believed and returned home, his son was healed.

The first step of faith is letting go and letting God. Believing is faith before promises of God are realised.