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  讀經分享 : 路加福音11章14-23節 ( Luke 11:14-23 )  2022.07.05

14 耶穌趕出一個叫人啞吧的鬼,鬼出去了,啞吧就說出話來,眾人都希奇。
15 內中卻有人說:他是靠著鬼王別西卜趕鬼。
16 又有人試探耶穌,向他求從天上來的神蹟。
17 他曉得他們的意念,便對他們說:凡一國自相分爭,就成為荒場,凡一家自相分爭,就必敗落。
18 若撒但自相分爭,他的國怎能站得住呢?因為你們說我是靠著別西卜趕鬼。
19 我若靠著別西卜趕鬼,你們的子弟趕鬼,又靠著誰呢?這樣,他們就要斷定你們的是非。
20 我若靠著神的能力趕鬼,這就是神的國臨到你們了。
21 壯士披掛整齊,看守自己的住宅,他所有的都平安無事。
22 但有一個比他更壯的來,勝過他,就奪去他所倚靠的盔甲兵器,又分了他的贓。
23 不與我相合的,就是敵我的,不同我收聚的,就是分散的。




Luke 11:14-23

Jesus healed and drove out demons but people accused Him of being the prince of demon. Jesus clearly told us through the parable of a kingdom which could not fight itself, or else it will be divided. He then reminded us that He came from God and we had no place to be in the middle ground.

It is so true that the world belongs to Satan and his temptation. If we do not enter into the shepherd’s pen, we will wander and be swallowed. Those belong to God will be protected and follow the way of our Lord.

Only if we stand behind our Lord, we can resist the devil.