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  讀經分享 : 瑪拉基書三章7-10節 ( Malachi 3:7-10 )  2022.07.31

7 萬軍之耶和華說:從你們列祖的日子以來,你們常常偏離我的典章,而不遵守。現在你們要轉向我,我就轉向你們,你們卻問說:我們如何纔是轉向呢?
8 人豈可奪取神之物呢?你們竟奪取我的供物,你們卻說:我們在何事上奪取你的供物呢?就是你們在當納的十分之一,和當獻的供物上。
9 因你們通國的人,都奪取我的供物,咒詛就臨到你們身上。
10 萬軍之耶和華說:你們要將當納的十分之一,全然送入倉庫,使我家有糧,以此試試我,是否為你們敞開天上的窗戶,傾福與你們,甚至無處可容。




Malachi 3:7-10

God reprimanded His people for robbing Him by keeping what they should have offered to the Lord to themselves. He actually gave us a precious promise that when we are willing to give, He is willing to provide and to bless us through various means.

We offer to God through the church because we love and obey God. It is not just good deeds but deeds of obedience. It is also an act of faith trusting that God’s blessings are far better than what we can think of.

Offer with an obedient heart, and offering does not just refer to money, but our time and our hearts.