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  讀經分享 : 約翰福音八章1-2節 ( John 8:1-2 )  2022.08.02

1 於是各人都回家去了,耶穌卻往橄欖山去。
2 清早又回到殿裡,眾百姓都到他那裡去,他就坐下教訓他們。



禱告: 主耶穌,我們要每天來到祢面前禱告,祢是生命的糧,在祢裡面必得飽足。求主教我們願意親近和服事祢。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

John 8:1-2

In this short passage, Jesus set a model of real ministry. He went up to the mountain (Mount Olive) to pray, and He went to the temple to teach. The two points show us the need for prayers in order that we can serve the Lord.

Believers are just too busy today. We are laboring for the world and we are ending in repetitive duties that burden us. We have no Mount olive not the Temple. What we need to do is to turn to God for empowerment. Prayer is the only way.

Lord may we come to seek You and be fed by You before we can serve You.