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  讀經分享 : 約翰福音11章41-44節 ( John 11:41-44 )  2022.08.11

41 他們就把石頭挪開,耶穌舉目望天說:父阿,我感謝你,因為你已經聽我。
42 我也知道你常聽我,但我說這話,是為周圍站著的眾人,叫他們信是你差了我來。
43 說了這話,就大聲呼叫說:拉撒路出來。
44 那死人就出來了,手腳裹著布,臉上包著手巾。耶穌對他們說:解開,叫他走。




John 11:41-44

Jesus raised Lazarus from death, we know the story well. Yet one thing we may have overlooked is that Jesus praised and thanked God when the people removed the stone of the grave. He then commanded the dead man to come out of the grave and Lazarus lived again.

Believers may come across problems and we may pray that the problems will go away. What the Bible teaches us is that we can thank God before things are resolved. We can then see miracles through our faith and thanksgivings.

The power of thanks and prayer
are clues to success in spiritual warfare.