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  讀經分享:申命記四章9-14節 ( Deuteronomy 4:9-14 )  2022.08.24

9 你只要謹慎,殷勤保守你的心靈,免得忘記你親眼所看見的事,又免得你一生,這事離開你的心,總要傳給你的子子孫孫。
10 你在何烈山站在耶和華你神面前的那日,耶和華對我說:你為我招聚百姓,我要叫他們聽見我的話,使他們存活在世的日子,可以學習敬畏我,又可以教訓兒女這樣行。
11 那時你們近前來,站在山下,山上有火焰沖天,並有昏黑,密雲,幽暗。
12 耶和華從火焰中對你們說話,你們只聽見聲音,卻沒有看見形像。
13 他將所吩咐你們當守的約,指示你們,就是十條誡,並將這誡寫在兩塊石版上。
14 那時耶和華又吩咐我將律例,典章教訓你們,使你們在所要過去得為業的地上遵行。



禱告: 天父,祢呼喚我們來跟從祢,甚願這是我們每一位的選擇。求您保守我們的心靈,願祢的律例典章刻在我們心裡,祢的話成為我們腳前的燈、路上的光。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Deuteronomy 4:9-14

Moses reminded the Israelites to follow the instructions of the Lord. As His followers we have to be on guard and alert, and follow closely for the Lord had already told us His will and Decree.

We definitely need people to advise us and to persuade us to follow the Lord. Yet it is our choice to follow or to decline. The book of Deuteronomy is the teaching of :Moses to the second generation of Israelites and also to us today.

To follow or not is our choice, and our response to the calling of the Lord.